/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Coptis - SCS Formulate




Stand: 314

Contact Name: Laura Neodo
Telephone: +33 139042340
Email: sales@coptis.com
Website: https://www.coptis.com

Company Profile

Coptis proudly celebrates its 25th anniversary this year as a pioneer in digital solutions for cosmetic laboratories! Coptis Lab, the industry's leading PLM software, streamlines your product development process and ensures global compliance of your formulas. With utmost reliability, R&D laboratories can formulate innovative and sustainable beauty products in compliance with retailers' standards and global regulatory requirements, including MoCRA, EU, and Chinese regulations. Empower your team with Coptis Lab PLM - Request a Live Demo to Explore Coptis Digital Technology!


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