Highlight your Participation

There are a number of key opportunities at SCS Formulate that allow exhibitors to gain extra exposure during and after the event. These sponsorship opportunities are a great way to enhance your participation at the exhibition & conference and will help draw attention to your stand, increase your branding exposure and improve distribution of key information.

All sponsors are acknowledged in the Exhibition Catalogue distributed to all attendees.

If you’d like to enquire about any of the below options, please get in touch with a member of the team!

To see more details about each sponsorship option, please click on the below buttons.

The lanyards are one of the most prominent and valued branding items available at SCS Formulate. These are given to every attendee and every exhibitor at SCS Formulate. Highly visible on site, and viewed by absolutely everyone over the 2 days, they retained after the exhibition, so also provide exposure and brand awareness after the event.

All attendees to SCS Formulate will receive an event Tote bag upon arrival. This will be branded with your company logo and will be carried by all visitors throughout the event. They are usually kept by attendees long after the event is over, giving your company and brand extended exposure.

A gift for all visitors to SCS Formulate to take away with them, chosen and supplied by the sponsoring company. We encourage a branded object such as an umbrella, note pad, calendar, water bottle, even hand sanisiter! Your branded gift will be available at Registration and at various points throughout the exhibition and conference rooms. Attendees value these gifts and they tend to be kept for long after the event particularly the more functional items.

When entering the hall, a sticker with your company name and stand number will highlight where the visitors can go to find you.

One of the most popular draws among the attendees to encourage them to arrive early and before 10am on both days, is the promise of a free breakfast roll and hot tea or coffee. The voucher will be clearly branded with your company logo and is a great way to say to the attendees “have a coffee on us”. Each year this option has more and more take up from visitors and can be combined with the sponsored HTML option to ensure everyone knows it’s you providing that for them. We always do some marketing around the early breakfast provision too.

Similar to the Breakfast voucher, another draw for attendees to arrive before 10am on both days is that they will receive complimentary all-day parking. As the parking sponsor, your logo will be clearly featured on the voucher and this is a great way to let the attendees arriving by car know, that their complimentary parking is courtesy of your company. Again, it’s something else you can promote when marketing your presence at the event either through our pre-reg HTML option or your own marketing.

Be the first Company that all visitors see and remember, the main entrance to the Coventry Building Society Arena has a large digital banner display and as the most commanding signage for the event, can’t be missed by attendees as they arrive to the event.  Your company name, logo and stand number will appear alongside the SCS Formulate branding.

Be the first Company that all visitors see and remember, the main entrance to the Coventry Building Society Arena has a large banner display and is one of the most commanding signage displays for the event and can’t be missed by attendees as they arrive to the event.  Your company name, logo and stand number will appear alongside the SCS Formulate branding with directions for the parking and entrance.

The Networking Areas are popular areas strategically placed around the exhibition. This is where the attendees go to sit, eat and above all, network.

As sponsor, your company name and logo will be displayed on your chosen Networking Zone, indicating that the area is sponsored by you. There will also be the opportunity to have information plaques on every table, allowing you to display more detailed information about your company’s services and products, highlighting your website and stand location. You can also choose to maximise the sponsorships full potential and make business cards available for visitors in this area.

Only 6 Available!
Be one of the first Companies that all visitors see and remember, the atrium in the Coventry Building Society Arena has 6 digital banner displays along the wall whilst attendee’s queue for their badges and can’t be missed by attendees as they arrive to the event.  Your company name, logo and stand number will appear alongside the SCS Formulate branding.

The pillars stand within the Coventry Building Society Arena’s atrium and are focal points for all entering the event. Each sponsor will get their company branding wrapped on their designated pillar and will have an enhanced listing as an event sponsor within the event catalogue and on the website.
Positioned outside of the two external conference rooms we utilise for Sustainability Studio and Inform, the pillars will be seen whilst attendees move between conference sessions, the dinner and the hall. If you are interested in sponsoring more than one pillar, please contact us, as there may be package deals available.

Upon arrival, every single attendee to SCS Formulate walks through the atrium to get to the registration desk and through to the exhibition hall. As a highly visible point upon entering, it ensures that your branding is one of the first that visitors interact with onsite.

The impact of seeing a company’s decals and logos on here is immediately powerful and lasting. The atrium also features heavily in event photography and so would be promoted on the SCS Formulate website over the following year. This means impact not only on onsite visitors for 2023, but also those looking up the event for future years.

Dimensions: 800 mm x 1500 mm

Upon arrival, every single attendee to SCS Formulate must go to the registration desk. As one of the most visible points within the event it ensures that your branding is one of the first that visitors interact with onsite.

The impact of seeing a company’s decals and logos on here is immediately powerful and lasting. The registration desk also features heavily in event photography and so would be promoted on the website over the following year. This means impact not only on onsite visitors for 2023, but also those looking up the event for future years.

Place your marketing material in a prominent location on the registration desk so that it is available for all attendees to SCS Formulate to pick up on their arrival. All visitors have to go to the registration desk in order to collect their badges, so having an insert here acts not only as a branding interaction, but also is an early opportunity to let attendees know where they can find you within the exhibition and drive further traffic to your stand.

Each room sponsor will get their company branding at the entrance to their designated room and will have an enhanced listing as the conference room sponsor within the event catalogue. Outside of the rooms we have large conference schedules, which will feature your company logo. If you are interested in sponsoring more than one room, please contact us, as there may be package deals available.

This option enables you to send a targeted email to the pre-registered attendees registered for SCS Formulate. Many exhibitors use this option to increase their branding in advance of the show, let a very concentrated audience from the industry know about their latest product developments and to promote to the personal care community exactly where they can find you when they visit SCS Formulate.

The SCS Formulate team produce a post event breakdown of attendance every event.
Post-event, a digital copy of this is sent to every single attendee, exhibitor, speaker and also potential future exhibiting companies. The Organisers Statement is also published on the SCS Formulate website and on our social media channels.

Having your company name and logo highlighted on the Organisers Statement is a great way to get further exposure beyond the exhibition and conference and solidify your company at the forefront of the personal care sector in the UK.

Separate meeting rooms are available away from the exhibition hall so you can have a quieter space for off-stand presentations and meetings.
Different options are available to enhance your room, such as:

  • Room added to the event floorplan
  • Editorial included on the SCS Formulate website
  • Editorial included within the SCS Formulate Pocket Guide
  • Bespoke carpet outside of door
  • Floor stickers outside of room to show the way

These are available on a first-come-first-served basis and there is limited availability.