t: 01582 726661
e: secretariat@scs.org.uk
Simon Gandy
Technical Director - Waste & Resource Management
SLR Consulting Limited
A chemical engineer by original training, Simon spent seven years working on shampoos and their surfactants for Procter & Gamble, before taking an MSc in Environmental Technology, in 1999. Since then, he has been an environmental consultant, working on waste management, product policy and sustainability projects. His specialist subject is product life cycle assessment and, in over 15 years of studies, he has explored the impacts of a wide range of products, from McLaren engines to orange juice, whisky by-products to bricks, shampoo to solar PV farms. While he cannot claim to be an expert in all the products he has studied (though he knows far more about the environmental impacts of toilets than most people), he is an expert in applying the LCA technique for a client’s particular needs, whether that be comparing its performance with a competitor, identifying and reducing its life time impacts, or simply answering customer requests for information.
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