t: 01582 726661
e: secretariat@scs.org.uk
Laura Kirkbride
Technical Director of Orean Personal Care
Immediate Past President of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists
Laura is a fantastically talented chemist with a lifelong passion for Cosmetics and Personal Care and over 20 years of expertise in the industry.
You’ve probably got one of her formulations in your bathroom.
Laura graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2001 with a BSC (Hons) in Chemistry. She then jumped into the Society of Cosmetics Scientists (SCS) Diploma in Cosmetic Science, where she achieved a distinction and was awarded The Hibbott Memorial Prize for the highest overall mark.
Laura joined Orean, a contract manufacturer of premium skincare and hair care, and for the past 15 years, has led the New Product Development team. Laura and her team have produced thousands of fantastic formulations that have excited and delighted hundreds of brands and their customers and won quite a few awards along the way.
As Technical Director at Orean, Laura is passionate about education and development. From mentoring her very talented technical team to developing a student placement and a graduate recruitment program which has produced many of the industry’s rising stars.
Laura has been an active member of the SCS since 2002, carrying out roles within RDG North Council, the Scientific Program Committee, Scrub Up on Science and SCS Formulate and is the current SCS Immediate Past President for UK and Ireland.
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