t: 01582 726661
e: secretariat@scs.org.uk
Hedy Scheck

Hedy Scheck became a part of MyMicrobiome in 2021, following years of dedicated service across various industries including pharmaceuticals, education, and tourism, where she held executive leadership roles at the C-level. Her professional journey boasts remarkable accomplishments, particularly within the healthcare sector. Notable among these is her pioneering contribution in 2011 to the development of Germany’s inaugural mobile app for pharmaceuticals. Her excellence has been duly recognized through several prestigious awards, including the 2012 Webby Award for groundbreaking healthcare solutions.
Aligned with the overarching vision of “Creating a Microbiome-Friendly World,” Hedy Scheck is actively bolstering MyMicrobiome’s endeavours to not only fortify its prominent stance in certifying microbiome-friendly cosmetics but also to extend this certification to encompass an array of other products. These products range from microbiome-friendly household detergents to textiles designed for both infants and adults, thereby working towards the realization of a more microbiome-conscious and harmonious world.
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