t: 01582 726661
e: secretariat@scs.org.uk
Beyond the Cosmetic Regulation – Transversal Regulatory Challenges
Time: 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Date: 12 November
This session will take a look at key regulatory challenges that brand owners, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers and packaging suppliers need to be aware of in order to market products compliant with the overall regulatory landscape beyond just the Cosmetics Regulation. It is no longer enough to comply only with the cosmetic legislation. In particular, in… Read more »
SCS FormulateThis session will take a look at key regulatory challenges that brand owners, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers and packaging suppliers need to be aware of in order to market products compliant with the overall regulatory landscape beyond just the Cosmetics Regulation.
It is no longer enough to comply only with the cosmetic legislation. In particular, in the area of environmental issues, many other regulations impact the ability to market a product.
We estimate that if you are compliant with the Cosmetics Regulation, you are only 10% through your regulatory compliance journey!
This session will take a look at some of key regulatory challenges to be aware of in 2025 whether you are a brand owner/manufacturer needing to build a compliant product or an ingredient or packaging supplier needing to supply information. Including:
- Packaging materials and minimisation
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- Impurities in ingredients and packaging
- REACH restrictions (e.g. microplastics)
After this session, you’ll be better equipped to complete that other 90% compliance!
Amanda Isom Regulatory Affairs Director - Bloom Regulatory Limited
Olivia Santoni CEO - Bloom Regulatory Limited
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