Neo-Ecology and its Relevance to the Beauty Industry

Time: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Date: 13 November

13-11-2024 11:30 13-11-2024 12:00 Europe/London Neo-Ecology and its Relevance to the Beauty Industry

Moving beyond sustainability, Neo-Ecology is emerging as a significant megatrend that will reshape various industries, including the beauty sector. It represents a shift from individual environmental awareness to a broader holistic view of what will be needed for the industry to continue to thrive in the future. In cosmetics, it will reshape ingredient manufacture and… Read more »

SCS Formulate

Moving beyond sustainability, Neo-Ecology is emerging as a significant megatrend that will reshape various industries, including the beauty sector. It represents a shift from individual environmental awareness to a broader holistic view of what will be needed for the industry to continue to thrive in the future. In cosmetics, it will reshape ingredient manufacture and product development, impacting marketing strategies and elevating consumer expectations.

This inform seminar will dissect Neo-Ecology, explore its importance to the future personal care industry and explain how it can be implemented to develop truly purposeful products which support the needs and desires of the future beauty consumer.


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