/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Sekisui Specialty Chemicals - SCS Formulate

Sekisui Specialty Chemicals


Stand: 513

Website: https://www.selvol.com

Company Profile

Sekisui Specialty Chemicals’ produces Selvol Ultalux, a line of cosmetic grade polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) polymers and copolymers for use in a range of personal care applications, from topical treatments to cosmetics and skincare. Every Ultalux product is produced at one of Sekisui’s three ISO certified manufacturing plants located in the US and Europe. Sekisui Specialty Chemicals is a subsidiary of the Sekisui Chemical Group, a multibillion dollar, global company that delivers a wide range of products and services to enrich people's lives. For more information about Selvol Utlalux or Sekisui Specialty Chemicals, please visit www.selvol.com


Selvol Ultalux products by Sekisui Specialty Chemicals

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