/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Protec Ingredia Ltd - SCS Formulate

Protec Ingredia Ltd


Ingredients - Actives
Ingredients - Emulsifiers
Ingredients - Preservative
Ingredients - Surfactants
Toiletries - Baby Care
Toiletries - Bath & Shower
Toiletries - Deodorants
Toiletries - Facial Cleansing
Toiletries - Hand Washing
Toiletries - Oral Care

Stand: 420

Telephone: 020 3761 3000
Email: info@protecingredia.com
Website: https://www.protecingredia.com
Address: Unit 10, Delta Court, Manor Way, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1FJ, United Kingdom

Company Profile

ProTec Ingredia is a market leader; supplying active and speciality ingredients to the UK personal care market. ProTec works with a carefully selected group of partners from across the globe to provide innovative and market-leading ingredients to our customers.

Our team has a collective 100+ years’ unrivalled experience in the personal care and cosmetic industry, both in sales and formulation, with a vast knowledge and expertise in sourcing and supplying products to businesses of all sizes.

We recognise the importance of world class customer service and support which is delivered through a closely monitored and controlled supply chain, as well as providing highly efficient logistical support to all our customers. Through the use of a dedicated UK based formulation laboratory, we are able to continue to support our customers from idea conception and throughout their product development.

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