/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Marenostrum - SCS Formulate



Stand: 1016

Contact Name: Jason Harrop
Telephone: 07557133023
Email: jason.harrop@afedewellness.co.uk
Website: https://marenostrumtech.com/en/
Address: Afede Wellness, Arise Innovation Centre, BIC 107, Alan Cherry Drive, Chelmsford, Alabama, CM11SQ, United Kingdom

Company Profile

We are a leading company in identifying, developing and producing high-quality botanical extracts of Mediterranean origin. Our philosophy advocates the importance of nature to grow healthy herbs, rejecting practices that exploit or damage the environment. We grow biodynamic plants to obtain unique extracts with inimitable chemical characteristics and analytical profiles.

Active and Functional Ingredients at this years show:

Range of Biodynamic Powder Extracts
Currently 20 powder grades available
Artichoke Leaf – Rockrose

All of these Mediterranean medicinal plants are grown, harvested and produced in Southern Spain.

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