t: 01582 726661
e: secretariat@scs.org.uk
Lucideon Ltd
Stand: 655
Email: mark.cresswell@uk.lucideon.com
Website: https://www.lucideon.com/
Company Profile
Lucideon is a development and commercialisation organisation (DCO), specialising in materials technology, processes, and testing. With specific expertise in all aspects of formulation, packaging, and process development, our product optimisation teams can support your internal resources to solve challenges within the product development cycle. The formulation services are complemented by our accredited GMP analytical and microbiology teams, alongside our world-leading surface science team, with a proven track record in cross-industry visualisations for claim support.
2:30 pm - 2:50 pm
Assessing Product Sensory Experience with a Machine Learning Model Trained with Expert Sensory Panel Data and Analytical Data: A Novel Approach to Optimise the Use of Expert Sensory Panel
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