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Laboratoires ERIGER
Ingredients - Actives
Stand: 910
Contact Name: Gérald CHOMAT
Telephone: +33 247 864 475
Email: gerald.chomat@laboratoires-eriger.com
Website: https://laboratoires-eriger.com/
Address: Laboratoires ERIGER, 33 rue Augustin FRESNEL, Chambray lès Tours, 37170, France
Company Profile
A Touraine company, Laboratoires ERIGER offers a new delivery system developed through chlorophyll : PhytoVec®. This new technology allows to encapsulate in water a large spectrum of active molecules at high concentrations. It guarantees a penetration through the skin, stability and long-term protection of the active molecules against UV. This technology was developed to encapsulate sensitive, unstable or destabilizing molecules for cosmetic galenics as vitamin A.
Laboratoires ERIGER offers a product range and tailor-made solutions for cosmetic brands and active ingredient manufacturers.
Leaflet PhytoVec®- Vit A 10% Leaflet PhytoVec®- Bakuchiol 7,5%Leaflet PhytoVec®- Q10 5%Leaflet PhytoVec®- CBD 5%Leaflet PhytoVec®- Glabridin 5%Brochures