/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Kobo Products Ltd - SCS Formulate

Kobo Products Ltd


Stand: 920

Website: https://www.koboproductsinc.com/

Company Profile

Kobo provide innovative, technology based raw materials to the cosmetic and personal care industry. The product range includes surface treated pigments, microspheres, sun care and colour dispersions, specialities, natural ingredients, effect pigments and delivery systems.


12:10 pm - 12:30 pm

Visual Effects for Skin Care Formulas: Tinting, Blurring and Colour Correcting

Make-up is “skinifying” at the same time skin-care is “make-upifying”. There are strong winds fuelling these trends as consumers are demanding more and more functionality from the products they are choosing to purchase, as they want to buy less, consume less, create less waste. Equally the demand for tic-tockable, instragram-able skin care products with “instant... Read more »

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