/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ JNC - SCS Formulate



Hair Care - Conditioning
Ingredients - Preservative
Ingredients - Surfactants
Skin Care - Body Care
Skin Care - Facial Care

Stand: 1121

Email: personalcare.gb@dksh.com
Website: https://www.jnc-corp.co.jp/english/product/chemical/life-chemical/
Address: 32 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AY, United Kingdom

Company Profile

JNC Group is a leading chemical company in Japan founded in 1906. We aim to create sustainable products using superior technologies for more comfortable and safer lifestyle.

E-polylysine is a cationic natural polymer with conditioning and anti-bacterial properties for hair repair. Exhibits synergistic effects with other commonly used preservatives.

Please visit DKSH Stand 633 for more information.

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