/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ ISCA Cosmetic Testing - SCS Formulate

ISCA Cosmetic Testing


Stand: 1226

Telephone: 01495 200747
Email: info@iscacosmetictesting.com
Website: https://iscacosmetictesting.com/
Address: Unit 28-29 Nine Mile Point Industrial Estate, Cross keys, Newport, NP11 7HZ,

Company Profile

From our purpose-built micro labs in Caerphilly, South Wales, we have been challenge testing cosmetic samples for our customers for over 15 years. Our experienced and friendly microbiologists can provide you with all the help you need to ensure your formulations comply with the microbial safety requirements of the EU Cosmetic Products Regulation (EC 1223/2009). As well as PET testing for compliance with European test standards, we regularly evaluate customer samples from all corners of the world. We are proud to have helped ensure the safety of cosmetic products sold across the globe, whether its US, Japanese, ISO or other local test protocols required. Since our inception, we have held ISO 9001 certification for our Quality Management System and more recently have achieved ISO 14001 accreditation in recognition of our Environmental Standards. We have reduced our environmental impact by installing free electric vehicle chargers on site for our employees, powered by our own 20 kW solar array. Originating in 1998, we have quickly grown to become a leading manufacturer of cosmetic preservatives. Today, the Iscaguard range of preservatives is a globally recognised and trusted brand, protecting countless products and helping to keep consumers safe.

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