/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Emsworth Stability Plus - SCS Formulate

Emsworth Stability Plus


Regulatory Support
Testing - Analytical

Stand: 400

Telephone: 01243 373373
Email: testing@esp.uk.com
Website: https://emsworthstabilityplus.co.uk/

Company Profile

Emsworth Stability Plus Ltd. is a specialist, ISO certified testing laboratory. Offering a wide variety of testing solutions to the cosmetic, personal care, medical device, home-care and luxury goods industries.

We offer a vast range of temperature and humidity-controlled storage conditions alongside a comprehensive range of testing protocols, including (but not limited to), product viscosity, pH, organoleptic parameters and packaging related tests. We also provide a bespoke testing and protocol design, quality control/analytics, regulatory support, analytical services and many more industry associated services.

A team of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals we are always happy to assist with your next project no matter how big or small.

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