/* V 2.1. Added the switch on $enhanced to make sure it's set before the logo is displayed. */ Anton Paar - SCS Formulate

Anton Paar


Hall(s): Hall 1
Stand: 331

Contact Name: Kerrie Swindon
Telephone: 03330 150 080
Email: info.gb@anton-paar.com
Website: https://www.anton-paar.com/uk-en/
Address: Unit F, The Courtyard, Alban Park, St Albans, Herts, AL4 0LA, United Kingdom

Company Profile

The verification and the purity control of personal care products by measurement of their physical properties are essential to ensure consistent high quality. Anton Paar’s high precision instruments are used throughout the industry for quality control as well as for R&D to ensure that production meets the highest standards.

Anton Paar offers multiple solutions for the personal care industry:
Assess incoming goods and control final product quality with our Density Meters, Flashpoint Testers, Viscometers, Rheometers, Particle Size Analyzers, Refractometers and Polarimeters.


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